Jacaranda mimosifolia (Jacaranda) is deciduous to semi-evergreen tree that typically grows to 40 feet tall, with a 30 foot spread, but can be much broader if low branched.
Its lavender-blue flowers are 1 1/2 inches long with a curved trumpet shape with a white inner throat that shows only slightly at the base of the upper petals and are formed in abundance in terminal panicles for several weeks in the late spring and summer.
After flowering, green 2 inch wide by 3 inch long tough flat fruit capsules dry to woody brown and then open, like little mouths, before they too drop to the ground – these capsules are attractive and often used in craftwork.
Plant in full sun with occasional deep summer watering, preferably in a soil that drains well – will often survive in heavier soils but growth is slow and sometimes stunted. It is considered hardy to 20° F but established trees have tolerated temperatures down to 18° F
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