Chondropetalum tectorum also known as cape rush or small cape rush is a grass like plant from the southern cape of the Southern African range, that forms dense tufted clumps with 2-3 foot tall dark green unbranched stems. It’s the smaller cousin of chondropetalum elephantinum which grows to double the size.
Chondropetalum comes from the Greek words chondros, which means big grain of wheat, and petalum, meaning a flower petal. The name was given to small cape rush considering the dark brown stems arch gracefully from the weight of the flowers which have a brown flower color, at the tips. The small brown flowers contrast perfectly against the rich green stems and dark brown sheaths. It is also used as roof coverings within its native South Africa.
Extremely Versatile
WhileChondropetalum looks like an ornamental grass, it doesn’t go dormant and turn brown at season’s end and offers a unique evergreen structure to any garden setting, providing soft movement and structure at the same time. The versatility to survive in a water garden or regular soil garden is also very unique.
Use In Many Garden Settings
Cape rush is also adaptable to many garden styles from water gardens to seaside gardens, mediterranean gardens, dry landscapes, near rock waterfalls, and within drought tolerant landscapes. Being adaptable to seaside gardens is particularly important given most plants can’t handle the additional salt. Chondropetalum tectorum also works well in modern or Asian inspired gardens, whether planted alone or mixed with other shrubs, grasses and bold cacti like Agave Americana and Agave Blue Wave.
How To Maintain
Best planted in full to part sun, chondropetalum tectorum requires low water but appreciates supplemental water in the early spring. Summer water may be necessary to keep the plant from drying out too much. It is hardy to about 20-25 degrees F and also tolerates a wide soil pH range in many soil types. Trim back old foliage to the base that grow into pathways or arch into other plants in the garden and to keep it contained before new leaves form.
Evergreen-Deciduous: Evergreen
Overall Mature Size: Small
Mature Height & Spread: 2-3′ x 3-4′
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